Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What exactly is 365 Hairstyles?

Well, I'm going to tell you with a story:

Once upon a time, I was really in need of a new hairstyle. I thought: "Hmm. Wouldn't it be nice to wear my hair differently EVERY SINGLE DAY? That way I'd get some variety in life." But, sadly, the search for a site with a different hairstyle every day was to no avail.

So I decided, with the help of a friend - why not make my own? I can get ideas from people at school, and use my close friends for models.

Remember, I'm shaking it up. There may be a "hairecipe" one day that calls for you to wear pigtails, and the next day a french bun. It will give your hair a new, exciting, refreshing look and draw people towards you. They'll think: WOW, HER HAIR LOOKS DIFFERENT EVERY DAY! SHE MUST BE REALLY COOL!

So, enjoy.


  1. Sooooo...where are the hairstyles? >>

  2. Sooo Great! you started the blog...got an amazing idea that if I had the time I would've done...but uploading hairstyles would be awesome ^_^
